Six Months | Wedded Bliss

sunset bride and groom | the milestone aubrey mansionSix months ago on a Friday in September we said “I do”. I won’t always post a monthly count of our lives but with so much negativity online, here is a reminder that dreams come true. My husband starts his brand new job on Monday that is more than we could dare to ask or think. ‪#‎Ephesians320‬ I got to start my new job as a freelance video editor in January and we started our company together. We believe for restoration and miracles around here. And if you need to know that God will provide, let us be that proof! ‪#‎thanking‬ Him for everything He’s done for us, with us, through us and what He will continue to do. Step out in faith today, believe for miracles, and receive your restoration because GOD LOVES YOU ‪#‎Restoration‬ ‪#‎TheKnot‬ ‪#‎WeddingWire‬‪#‎HusbandAndWife‬ ‪#‎CaseyGoreWedding‬ ‪#‎JosephPrince‬


