Every year for our anniversary our goal is to go on a trip. I save all year long to fund whatever trip it may be, and this year we were so excited to bring along our newest addition, Lyla James! Let me tell you, a two day car ride with […]
Hey Guys! Back in May I got to visit my cousin Danielle in NYC as my birthday present from my husband. This was my second time to visit the City, and one of the landmarks I wasn’t able to find last time was the Bathesda Fountain (from Home Alone 2!). […]
In March, James and I took a quick trip to visit family in Louisiana. Little did we know that we would end up coming back late that night and I wouldn’t get to use my beautiful Away We Go Weekender! However, I was packed and ready for an adventure, and […]
Wow! Can you believe it is already New Year’s?! 2015 has been a whirlwind, dream-come-true year for us! Our Pastor, Joseph Prince, declared 2015 as the YEAR OF RESTORATION. And man, can I just say it was exactly that! From getting a brand new puppy, getting engaged, married, and starting […]
We are SO excited to show you highlights from our honeymoon in Maui! And I’m equally as excited to share with you some BRAND NEW MUSIC. That’s right! My newest single “Easy To Love” is here and I can’t wait for yall to take a listen. After our wedding we […]